Friday 30 January 2015


Once we have introduced the story, let watch Little Red Riding Hood!
We can watch it in parts, to pay attention to key words and specific vocabulary. To explain each part the teacher can use puppets.

Many stories and activities are suitable for puppets. Pupils enjoy talking to puppets and making their own puppets. For example, making puppets and using them to reproduce the story, is a good activity to close a story.

There are different types of puppets: Stick puppets, finger puppets, hand puppets and drink box puppets. Ones in the picture below are finger puppets.

Activities with puppets give the opportunity of working drama by acting, using sounds, different voices, movement… They improve listening and speaking skills, there are entertaining and funny and if students make their own puppets, they develop imagination and arts.

It is a good way to explain the story and to see student´s comprehension.

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